Effective Dawah

By Dr. Abdul Hye
Price: $3.00
Sale Price: $2.00
Shipping Charges: $1.00
Total Price: $3.00

 It is a CD with Presentation on commonalities of Judaism, Christianity and Islam with references from Holy Scripts. The presentation has been presented to many churches, universities, interfaith, mixed gathering of different religions. It is in 4 languahes: English, Spanish, French and French. All these files are in PowerPoint and Pdf. The CD also has 28 video files (mp4) in 1-8 minutes on famous people around the world on why they became Muslims. These are powerful testimonials with clear message. All these 28 files are also in Audio (mp3) to listen in car. For details please see the preview.

  • Release Date : 07-04-2016

Product preview Section

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