Da'wah Etiquette

By Dr. Abdul Hye
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 Allah says to give Da’wah with Hekmat/Wisdom (Quran 16:125). Rasul (sw) said to propagate even if you know one ayat of Qur'an (Bukhari). Therefore, it is obligatory for each of the followers of Muhammad (sw) (Last Messenger) to become a Dayee and give Da’wah whenever and wherever possible. This book was compiled with various etiquette of Da’wah; stories of the sacrifices of Sahabas; various virtues of Amals from Qur'an and Hadith to use during Bayan, Taleem; structures of different Bayans; various information to organize and coordinate Da’wah activities worldwide, and how to interact with non-Muslims to relate or convey correct information on Islam. All these should help a Dayee to do Da’wah effectively and with positive results. Since Da’wah is a continuous effort, and is considered as sadqa-e-zaria and is highly rewarded by Allah, it should be learned and done with proper care with easy understanding to benefit all. Hekmat of Da’wah has no limits and it should be presented in such a way so that each can feel s/he can do it. Our life in this world is very short. It can stop at any time no matter how busy we are and whether we are prepared for it or not. As a Dayee, each of us can get the highest rewards from Allah through Da’wah as the Sahabas did. Da’wah is a collective effort. It is important more then ever to understand all the etiquette, logistics, and Hekmat to do an effective job individually, collectively, and at the same time to continuously prepare and guide others to do the same. Details of each action are elaborated thoroughly step by step so that every Muslim can clearly understand and do it.  Da’wah is a Teamwork. Building a team with the correct attitude, information and responsibility can make a big difference in the outcome. All etiquette should be discussed again and again so each of us can do it correctly. We should always keep the orders of Allah and the sunnat of Rasul (sw) in mind while doing Da’wah. In order to maintain the importance of Da’wah and do it completely for the sake of Allah, much motivation, training, and encouragement is needed. May Allah accept all of us for this noble effort and make us big winners in the life hereafter.

  • ISBN Number : 978-0-9668190-6-3
  • Publisher : Final Revelation
  • Publish Date : 2002-11-01
  • Page Count : 420

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